Do Big 5 Personality traits differ between NYC neighborhoods?

Everyone loves a good personality test, which is why it’s such a shame that many of them don't actually work. β†—

The Big 5 Personality Traits β†— is by far the most widely accepted personality metric by psychologists, and rates people on, as you might guess, 5 different metrics:

1. Agreeableness

2. Extraversion

3. Emotional Stability

4. Openness to New Experiences

5. Conscientiousness

This website is my attempt to replicate the efforts of Jokela et al β†— which measured these traits among Londoners broken up by neighborhood.

While I am a professional researcher, please note this study is just for fun. I am not backed by any institution academic or otherwise. This data is inherently biased (drawn from self-selected responses from a single source (Reddit)). No population level corrections have been made, so these conclusions only apply to people who are Reddit users or share characteristics with them. I plan to check for significance and correct for income when I have more responses.

The results so far have been really interesting, but we need more responses! If you live in any neighborhood in the 5 boroughs:

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